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2024 Sizzlin' Summer Sale

Almost Eden's Sizzling Summer Sale includes many of our newest additions for 2024 as well as a selection of reliable old favorites that are up to 1/3 off! Including a wide array of plants for pollinators like Lantana, Coneflowers, Abelias, Butterfly Weed, Gardenias, Passion Flowers, Red Firecracker Fern, Red Buckeye, Red Shrimp Plant, Stoke's Asters, Ruellias, and more. Easy and reliable new and heirloom garden perennials and shrubs including a wide selection of Irises like Louisianas and Siberian, as well as select Anise, Gingers, Elephant Ears, Sweet Olives, and more. Enjoy!


Pink Pinnacle™ Dwarf Chaste Tree, Vitex, Monk's Pepper Tree

Vitex agnus-castus 'V07-SC-OP-4'  PP27374

A dwarf pink Vitex! Pink Pinnacle™ Dwarf Chaste Tree produces dense spikes of rich pink flowers in waves throughout the summer months. A compact, small to medium sized deciduous shrub or dieback perennial in the coldest portions of its range. The flowers attract bees and other pollinators. Vigorous, disease and pest resistant shrubs, Vitex are tolerant of a wide range of soil types and growing conditions and this one is small enough for nearly any garden or even medium to large containers. For optimum results provide your new Vitex with a full to mostly sunny location and a well-drained soil. Developed through the breeding work of Carol Robacker at UGA. Image courtesy of Star® Roses. Item# 11123

Grows To: 3-6'H x 5-7'W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 0
Was: $17.99
Temporarily Out of Stock
Quantity Exceeds Stock Level

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Possum Purple Fruiting Passion Vine, Passionflower

Passiflora edulis 'Possum Purple'  

This a very easy and strong-growing, perennial vine with beautiful glossy leaves, exotic white and purple flowers, which are followed by large purple, rounded fruit, about the size of tangerines, with a nice flavor. Possum Purple is considered to be a self pollinating Passionfruit but having another cultivar for cross pollination may be beneficial as well. Caterpillar host: Gulf Fritillary, Julia Butterfly, Variegated Fritillary, and Zebra Longwing. Item# 1191

Grows To: 12-24'H
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 0
Was: $17.99
Temporarily Out of Stock
Quantity Exceeds Stock Level

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Cannot Ship To: HI

The deep berry colored, dark-eyed flowers cover up the plants from late spring or early summer into fall atop sturdy branching stems on compact plants attracting a variety of pollinators but especially bees and butterflies. PRIMA™ Berry Coneflower was selected for its tight compact habit and excellent flower power. Its compact enough to create excellent container specimens as well as for summerlong color in the garden and landscape. Echinaceas typically do best in fertile, well-drained, average moist soils in a full to mostly sunny sites. Leave seedheads for fall and winter songbirds to enjoy. Photos courtesy of TERRA NOVA® Nurseries, Inc. www.terranovanurseries.com, all rights reserved. Item# 13320

Grows To: 14-18"H x 16-24"W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 0
Was: $14.99
Temporarily Out of Stock
Quantity Exceeds Stock Level

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Purple Showers Mexican Petunia, Desert Petunia, Florida Bluebells, Mexican Bluebells

Ruellia brittoniana 'Purple Showers', R. simplex, R. tweediana  

TThe large 2" deep bluish-purple trumpets are born freely from late spring or early summer until fall on upright to arching burgundy stems with deep bronzy green glossy foliage. Purple Showers Mexican Petunia is sterile and so it can spend more energy on an endless supply of beautiful purple trumpets instead of adding unwanted seedlings to the garden. It does spread via rhizomes creating a tall ground covering mass of foliage and stems. This wonderful and vigorous selection produces larger flowers and foliage than most other Mexican Petunias. Item# 9610

Grows To: 24-36''H 12-24''W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 59
Was: $12.99

Purple Trailing Lantana, Weeping Lantana

Lantana montevidensis 'Purple'  

Small clusters of lightly fragrant purple and lavender flowers are born from summer to frost on this easy and adaptable perennial. With a low, naturally spreading to weeping habit Purple Trailing Lantana makes an excellent choice for the garden or as a spiller in mixed containers. Excellent for butterflies, bees and other pollinators. Hardy and considered to be non-invasive. Item# 10506.

Grows To: 1-2'H x 4-6'+W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 29
Was: $9.99

Purring Tiger Siberian Iris

Iris x 'Purring Tiger'  

For all of us LSU fans out there, Geaux Tigers! The new and aptly named Purring Tiger Siberian Iris produces deep golden yellow falls that are heavily accented with deep purple veining and are topped by dark smoky purple standards and deep reddish purple style arms. This is a compact growing Siberian Iris topping out at about 24" high and it flowers in midseason or early summer. The deep green narrow foliage provides grass-like motion in the garden even when the plants are not in flower. Provide Siberian Iris with an average moist to consistently moist moderately fertile soil and they can be planted near ponds, streams, and bog gardens as well as in average moist garden and landscape settings. They generally keep the best looking foliage where they have reliable access to moisture during the growing season. Purring Tiger Siberian Iris received a 2021 Honorable Mention. Images courtesy of Walter's Gardens, Inc., all rights reserved. Item# 13303

Grows To: 24"H space at 12-18" apart
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 18
Was: $14.99

Radicans Dwarf Gardenia, Miniature Gardenia

Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans', G. radicans  

2" wide, sweetly fragrant, double white flowers are produced in late spring and early summer with some flowers throughout the warmer months on established plants. The Dwarf Gardenia, Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans', has long been a popular landscaping, garden, and container plant with its low spreading habit, evergreen foliage, and the pure white flowers that stand out brightly against the dainty deep green foliage. Provide your Gardenias with a well-draining, moderately fertile, acid soil and preferably light shade during the hottest part of the day for optimum results. Item# 11230

Grows To: 2-3' H x 3-4'W
Outdoor Light: Midday shade, Mostly sunny, Part sun, Part shade, *Full sun
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 10
Was: $14.99

Red Bleeding Heart Vine

Clerodendrum x speciosum, C. delectum  

Large clusters of long-lasting, light lavender, mauve, to purple calyxes serve as the backdrop for the contrasting deep red, 1" wide, butterfly shaped flowers that are produced throughout the warmer months of the year, as early as midspring to about mid fall. The Red Bleeding Heart Vine, Clerodendrum x speciosum, is a naturally evergreen, heirloom, twining, tropical climber that is one of the better and more reliable flowering vines for shaded areas, although it can also take *full sun, if acclimated, where it may be even more floriferous, and it attracts butterflies and likely hummingbirds. I have always found it interesting that many of the butterfly and moth pollinated species in the genus Clerodendrum appropriately have butterfly shaped flowers. The colorful bracts have the deepest purple coloration in full to partial sun conditions. Provide the Red Bleeding Heart Vine with a moist to average moist, fertile, average to well-drained soil for optimum vigor and flowering. This is a hybrid of the White Bleeding Heart Vine, C. thompsonae, and the Flaming Glory Bower Vine, C. splendens. Item# 599

Grows To: 6-12'H
Outdoor Light: *Full sun, *Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun, Bright shade, Filtered shade
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 12
Was: $14.99

Red Buckeye, Red Horse Chestnut

Aesculus pavia, A. splendens  

A tough native shrub that produces spikes of deep red tubular flowers touched with yellow that begin to open in early spring just as the Ruby Throated Hummingbirds begin to arrive. The Red Buckeye is typically a medium to large growing deciduous shrub that is adaptable to a variety of soil conditions although it will grow and flower best in full sun it is also tolerant of some shade. This tough little native begins flowering at a young age and is easy to grow and establish. Moderately drought resistant once well-established with few pests and diseases. Item# 3047

Grows To: 6-10'H x 5-12'W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 13
Was: $14.99

The Red Firecracker Fern produces loads of 1" showy red tubular flowers that are born in large loose clusters along the arching ferny stems throughout the warmer months of the year or nearly year round where winters are mild. Excellent for Hummingbirds! This is a durable and long-lived, clump forming perennial that requires little additional care once well-established. The Firecracker Fern has excellent heat and sun tolerance as well as moderate drought resistance once well-established. It is even listed as being suitable for xeriscaping. Firecracker Fern, Russelia equisetiformis, is listed as a Texas A&M Outstanding Coastal Plant as it has excellent resistance to soil and wind born salts, though it could use some protection from harsh, drying winds. It is also an RHS Award of Garden Merit selection. It can be used as a low informal hedge, allow it to spill over walls, enjoy it as a hanging basket, window box, or container specimen, as well as in mixed container gardens. Item# 417

Grows To: 2-4'H+ x 3-5'W+
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 184
Was: $12.99

Red Shrimp Plant, False Hope, Shrimp Plant, Shrimp Bush

Justicia brandegeeana, Beloperone guttata, Drejerella guttata, Justicia guttata  

A seemingly continuous display of upright to arching spikes composed of large showy maroon bracts from which the individual pink lipped tubular flowers emerge from spring to fall to year round under warm tropical conditions. This plant has exceptional flower power and makes a beautiful display as a container plant specimen and in mixed container gardens as well as in the garden and landscape. The common Red Shrimp Plant, Justicia brandegeeana, is a heat loving, naturally evergreen, bushy, tropical plant with dark olive green foliage and grows to about 24" high by about 18" wide. It is both full sun and bright shade tolerant but tends to have the densest branching habit where it receives at least 4 hours or more of direct sunlight. Provide an average to well-drained, moderately fertile, average moist soil for optimum vigor and flowering. Attracts hummingbirds and the occasional larger butterfly and is an RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Caterpillar host: Cuban Crescent, Texan Crescent, White Peacock, and Malachite. Item# 620

Grows To: 18-24''H x 12-18''W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part shade, Part sun, Filtered shade, Light shade
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 88
Was: $9.99

Red Velvet Elvis Louisiana Iris

Iris x 'Red Velvet Elvis'  

Ooh la la! This award winning Louisiana Iris boasts deep velvety red falls with just a touch of golden yellow at their base for contrast, and these are centered by three more deep rich velvety purplish-red standards. Awarded the highest award a Louisiana Iris cultivar can receive from the American Iris Society, Red Velvet Elvis won the Mary Swords DeBaillon Medal in 2005. Louisiana Irises generally flower between March and May. Item# 10814.

Grows To: 30-36"H
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 0
Was: $14.99
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Quantity Exceeds Stock Level

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Rio Red Ruellia

Ruellia elegans 'Rio Red'  

Deep cerise red, widely flaring flowers are produced throughout the warmer months of the year on this taller growing selection of Red Ruellia. This puts the red flowers up within easy reach of hummingbirds, larger butterflies, and bees. Rio Red Ruellia will easily reach 30-40" high and will make a loose groundcover. Use this exceptionally free flowering tropical to tender perennial in the garden, landscape, or in containers for a spring to fall display. The Red Ruellias may reseed on exposed soils but rarely do so in mulched beds. Item# 11152

Grows To: 1-3'H x 1-2'W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 8
Was: $12.99

Rocky Hunt Louisiana Iris

Iris x 'Rocky Hunt'  

The large flowers are composed of dark indigo-blue outer falls that are centered with dark blue inner standards creating full nearly rounded flowers. This is a vigorous and hardy, early to midseason flowering Louisiana Iris that is part of the Fallen Heroes series hybridized by Lee-Ann Connelly, now Shearhouse, and marketed by Ag3 Inc. A portion of the price of each plant is donated to the Fallen First Responders charity that aids the children of both Firefighters and Law Enforcement. Multiplies readily in average garden soils, moist to wet soils, or they can be set in water gardens where the container is just below the water's surface. Provide a full to mostly sunny site for optimum vigor and flowering. Item# 9205

Grows To: 24-30"H
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 27
Was: $14.99

ROYAL HAWAIIAN® Aloha Giant Elephant Ears

Colocasia 'Aloha'  PP29692

The large arrowhead shaped, tropical foliage emerges a deep olive green and matures to a deep purple-black with nicely contrasting bluish-green, neon green to neon yellow veining. ROYAL HAWAIIAN® Aloha Elephant Ear is a vigorous, clump-forming, heat and sunloving, rhizomatous to tuberous rooted, naturally evergreen tropical plant growing to about 3-4' high and wide. It will act like a die-back perennial freezing back to the crown for winter and re-emerging in spring that is hardy into zone 7. Where not hardy the rhizomes can be lifted and stored for winter or the plants can be enjoyed as container plants and is vigorous enough to be utilized as an annual. Provide a wet to moist, fertile soil in a full sun to part shade site for optimum vigor. Photos courtesy of PlantHaven International, planthaven.com. Item# 12882

USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 7B,8,9,10,11,(7A?)
Grows To: 3-4'H x 2-4'W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 9
Was: $14.99

ROYAL HAWAIIAN® Maui Sunrise Giant Elephant Ears

Colocasia 'Maui Sunrise'  PPAF

The large deep green glossy heart-shaped foliage is centered by broad bold bands of white and yellow variegation that follows the veining pattern on younger leaves and narrows to along the main central vein at maturity. ROYAL HAWAIIAN® Maui Sunrise Giant Elephant Ears, which is reminiscent of White Lava, is one of the newest additions to the tightly clump-forming Royal Hawaiian Colocasia series. Unlike the old varieties, these newer hybrids do not run! These tropical perennials prefer moist soils but otherwise can be used as container plants, garden perennials, and in bog or water garden settings where it can be submerged up to 2" deep. Photo courtesy of PlantHaven International, planthaven.com. Item# 12043

Grows To: 3-4'H x 2-3'W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 0
Was: $14.99
Temporarily Out of Stock
Quantity Exceeds Stock Level

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ROYAL HAWAIIAN® Tropical Storm Giant Elephant Ears

Colocasia 'Tropical Storm'  PP28567

Remember how Elephant Ears were considered invasive, guess what this one is not! From the ROYAL HAWAIIAN® series of Colocasias comes Tropical Storm, a tightly clump forming, cold hardy perennial with a great tropical effect in the garden or in containers. The large up to 3'+, almost heart-shaped, often slightly crinkled, tropical foliage of the Tropical Storm Elephant Ear is a dark green to nearly black with a large bold splash of starkly contrasting creamy yellow in the center of the leaves. Prefers moist soils. Item# 11516

Grows To: 3-5'H x 2-4'W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 3
Was: $14.99

Silky Red Butterfly Weed, Mexican Butterflyweed

Asclepias curassavica 'Silky Red'  

Vibrant yellow and red flowers are borne from Spring to frost on an upright to spreading perennial. Raise Monarch Butterflies in your own backyard! The Monarchs migrate through our area just as the Asclepias begin to awaken in spring, just in time for the females to lay their eggs on the new growth. Caterpillar host: Queen and Monarch. Item # 3078.

Grows To: 4'H x 2'W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 54
Was: $9.99

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Silver Mound Lantana

Lantana 'Silver Mound'  

Silver Mound Lantana is a low growing, mounding lantana that produces an abundance of soft yellow flowers that mature to white and are borne from spring to fall attracting a variety of other smaller pollinators as well as butterflies. An old favorite with the vigor and flower power of the ever popular New Gold as it spends its energy on flower production instead of seed production. An excellent low maintenance groundcover or for the front of the garden or landscape. Item# 10896.

Grows To: 18-24''H x 3-4'W+
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 39
Was: $9.99

Snow Girl™ Gardenia

Gardenia jasminoides 'CP14ER789'  

An exceptionally cold hardy and free flowering Gardenia, Snow Girl produces a big show of fragrant single flowers in early summer and continues to produce some flowers into late summer. This little beauty has deep green dainty foliage and a tight compact habit to help get her through the toughest of winters. Small enough to enjoy in containers or let this little gal perfume the summer garden and landscape. Item# 11121

Grows To: 18-24"H x 30-36"W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade, Filtered shade
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 18
Was: $14.99

Snow Queen Variegated Hibiscus

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Snow Queen'  

Vibrant red, single, tropical Hibiscus flowers bring elegance and poise to the chaos of color brought on by the brilliantly variegated foliage which is randomly splashed in shades of rosy pink, white, and green. The tropical effect created by Snow Queen's foliage and flowers is sure to bring a cool fire to any tropical setting while the red flowers attract Hummingbirds, Sulphur butterflies, and other pollinators. Snow Queen Hibiscus is a vigorous and easy to grow Tropical Hibiscus with an upright to spreading habit and easy enough to train into standards. Caterpillar host: Gray hairstreak. Item# 9392

Grows To: 6'H+ x 3'W+
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade, Light shade
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 7
Was: $14.99

Cannot Ship To: OR

Sombrero® Granada Gold Coneflower, Echinacea

Echinacea 'Balsomold'  PP30115; EU PBR52416; US7,982,110

Consistently in the top 10 in Coneflower and perennial trials! Brilliant golden yellow ray petals surround the fragrant golden tipped cones creating the 3" wide long-lasting, non-fading flowers perched atop sturdy 18" stems. The Sombrero® Granada Gold Coneflower or Echinacea was selected as much for its bright, long-lasting, non-fading color as well as for its excellent summerlong flower power, clean foliage, reliability, and neat and tidy habit. Coneflowers are clump forming perennials whose often fragrant flowers are adored by butterflies, bees, and other pollinators that can be enjoyed as part of the sunny garden and landscape as well as for container specimens. Leave seedheads for fall and winter songbirds to enjoy. Removal of spent flowers may help to prolong the flowering season but is not required. Provide a full to mostly sunny site in an average moist, well-drained, fertile soil for optimum vigor and flowering. Photos courtesy of Darwin Perennials®, all rights reserved. Item# 13319

Grows To: 18"H x 18-24"W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 33
Was: $14.99

Light azure blue falls and standards are accented with darker veining and deep golden yellow bee guides. The Southern Blue Flag, Iris virginica tentatively, is a native of Louisiana but is not an actual Louisiana Iris as we had originally thought as the mother plant was shared with us without a name. We previously offered this as Light Blue Louisina Iris but it has kindly been tentatively identified for us by a Louisiana Iris grower and appears to fit the botanical descriptions. The Southern Blue Flag is just as vigorous and hardy as the Louisiana Irises and will do well under similarly moist to wet to average moist soils in a full to mostly sunny site for optimum vigor and flowering. It can be set in water gardens where the container is just below the water's surface. Item# 11808

Grows To: 16-24"H, space at about 12" apart
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 40
Was: $14.99

Cannot Ship To: CA

Splish Splash Mottled Red Bird Cactus, Jacobs Ladder, Red Slippers Spurge, Devil's Backbone, Jacob's Ladder

Euphorbia tithymaloides 'Splish Splash', Pedilanthus tithymaloides 'Splish Splash'  

The beautifully mottled, splashed, and flecked yellowish, chartreuse, and deeper green variegated succulent ovate foliage adorns the zig-zagging stems of this upright growing succulent and summer may bring a ring-like cluster of 1" long deep red, bird-shaped flowers that attract hummingbirds and give the plant its common name. The Splish Splash or Mottled Red Bird Cactus is an easy to grow highly decorative form of this heirloom and Florida native plant that has an easy and forgiving disposition creating fantastic, architecturally pleasing specimens. A shrub-like native of tropical forests of southern Florida and as far south as Central America, it makes an easy porch or patio plant where it partial shade to bright shade but can also be enjoyed as an easy indoor plant.  Allow the soil to become somewhat dry between waterings although it can tolerant more moisture when in active growth and less during winter. Item# 12608

Grows To: 4-8'H x 2-3'W
Outdoor Light: Part shade, Part sun, Filtered shade, Bright shade
2.25 inch Pot / 9.7 fl.oz. / 287 ml
Currently In Stock: 11
Was: $14.99

Pink Pinnacle™ Dwarf Chaste Tree, Vitex, Monk's Pepper Tree

Vitex agnus-castus 'V07-SC-OP-4'  PP27374

A dwarf pink Vitex! Pink Pinnacle™ Dwarf Chaste Tree produces dense spikes of rich pink flowers in waves throughout the summer months. A compact, small to medium sized deciduous shrub or dieback perennial in the coldest portions of its range. The flowers attract bees and other pollinators. Vigorous, disease and pest resistant shrubs, Vitex are tolerant of a wide range of soil types and growing conditions and this one is small enough for nearly any garden or even medium to large containers. For optimum results provide your new Vitex with a full to mostly sunny location and a well-drained soil. Developed through the breeding work of Carol Robacker at UGA. Image courtesy of Star® Roses. Item# 11123

Grows To: 3-6'H x 5-7'W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 0
Was: $17.99
Temporarily Out of Stock
Quantity Exceeds Stock Level

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