Elusive 'Dainty Pink'. (5/12/2024)
I have been looking to replace this plant that I was unable to bring with me from a previous house. Apparently only 2 nurseries in the US carry this plant. At least that was all I could find and both were out of stock. My daughter decided to hunt it down for me for Mother's day and was successful after bird dogging the site daily for it to come in stock. They came packed with love and care. They were in perfect condition and standing tall, ready to be planted. I am so excited to have this in my garden again. She got me 2 they both seem to be taking to their new environment just fine. I can't recommend this nursery enough for their quality stock and careful handling. I will be doing business with them again.

Sharon - Jacksonville, Florida
should be called "tough pink" (12/27/2021)
Grew and bloomed in a tough spot. I thought it died in winter storm Uri; but turns out it was just resting. Came back from the underground parts and grew back strong. At about waist high I moved to another location and it didn't miss a beat; bloomed summer into fall.

claire - Houston
Dainty Pink Hibiscus (7/23/2018)
Most of my hibiscus struggle to survive in the Florida sandy soil, but my dainty pink hibiscus seems quite happy. Is about 5 or 6 feet tall and only a couple of years old, Every day several new flowers open out, looking very pretty. This is by far my favorite.

Marion - Port Charlotte Florida

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