LOVE this vigorous tough fast growing small bushy tree/shrub (9/16/2019)
Once it’s settled in the ground for a year, it just takes off. It’s gorgeous and huge now! I just plopped it directly into the yard near a brick wall (it’s not in a bed), and it’s doing great. I had to make sure to water it throughout that first summer when it started to wilt in between rains. It always perked right back up. After that first summer, I never had to anything for it again. It’s a great hello spring type of plant - one of the first to bloom along with my pennymac hydrangeas. It repeat blooms throughout the year, but not as vigorously as the spring flush. It’s very bushy - foliage and flowers always to the ground - which I like because we don’t have to worry about the weed eater nicking the trunk. Every back yard should have one these. It’s cheerful and lovely. Oh and butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds love it too.

Bridget - Baton Rouge, LA

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