Most beautiful (11/26/2023)
Most beautiful are my 2 Blue Glory Vines which were bought in March this year 2023. I planted them in large barrel type containers filled with mushroom compost, they were slow to start but once they took off they became magnificent. Each barrel has 3 stakes and the vines are wrapped to them, some of the leaves believe it or not are 8 inches and it is loaded with blooming flowers. I live in the panhandle of Florida and they have liked our September, October and now November weather almost December now. I absolutely love this flowering vine.

Susan - Panhandle of Florida
Really Love this Blue Glory Vine! (8/19/2019)
I'd never heard of Blue Glory Vine until I saw it on this web site. I bought one and it's growing and blooming beautifully!! So charmed by this plant that I'm buying more and I can't wait to get them planted in my garden.

Julie - north east Florida

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